
Multiple Locations - 2023

Stack uses snow as its building material, taking advantage of its inherent availability around the site as well as its beautiful material and light quality. This material is often overlooked due to its ephemeral nature, however, when manipulated into a reliable, long-lasting format, it has the potential to create a dynamic and memorable shelter experience.

This installation represents a marked shift from the traditional materials and way of building. Packed into a series of molds, the unique construction method allows the snow to take on a precise geometry of canted blocks. These are arrayed in a circular or meandering form and stacked, creating a series of niches of different scales and a dynamic pattern of light and texture.

Taking inspiration from a river’s dynamic, fluid path, the larger installations provide visitors a series of inward and outward-looking moments. Inhabitants are provided with focused views out to the park during the day or up towards the stars above at night. Simultaneously, the bends of the wall serve to bring visitors together to enjoy the warm company of one another.


Little Mountain Multi-Family